History of heritage

Miychit was built with style, elegance and quality. We take pride in our designs and put love into each product we create.

Hug Dealer’s Mission

“Theodore” meaning “Gift of God” is the leader of this transforming movement. It is our basic duty as humans on earth to be kind. Hugs are an essential form of physical touch that humans rely on throughout life. There is so much negativity happening throughout the world. Can you imagine what a hug can do? Everybody could use one! Let’s help humanity thrive and hug someone today!

Hug Dealer’s Vision

We as hug dealers aspire to contribute to humanity thriving by spreading love through hugs in different establishments and entities throughout Baltimore, Maryland and surrounding areas, starting with the public school systems and eventually becoming a world movement.
Sincerely, Theodore The Hug Dealer.

Hug Dealer’s Vision

We as hug dealers aspire to contribute to humanity thriving by spreading love through hugs in different establishments and entities throughout Baltimore, Maryland and surrounding areas, starting with the public school systems and eventually becoming a world movement.
Sincerely, Theodore The Hug Dealer.


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8117 Liberty Rd. Baltimore Md 21244

Phone number: 443.447.6359
Email Address: sales@Miychit.com